Hopefully this information is helpful to use and advice our loved ones in light of all the confusion with Covid-19 and Hydroxychloroquine
We are not yet sure of a “CURE” for covid. So please let’s not have a false sense of security and become careless with our health.
Hydroxychloroquine is a great drug used to “TREAT” many symptoms and can be very helpful in many mild-moderate cases of Covid-19. However it does not work 100% of the time. This means other therapies are usually still needed depending the severity of the patients symptoms; therapies like plasma, ventilators, antibiotics, ECMO, other antivirals, etc.
Doctor's can't forget to check people’s heart status before using combos like azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine because it does cause arrhythmias and other cardiac issues. Remember, Right Patient, Right drug, Right dose, Right diagnosis, Right setting, Right time.
Prevention is always better so please wear your masks, wash your hands as often as you can and social distance.